Home Security for Domestic Violence Survivors

Home Security for Domestic Violence Survivors

Although every experience is unique, domestic violence typically causes fear and insecurity. A shattered sense of security leaves one feeling helpless and struggling with anxiety and upsetting memories. These symptoms may persist for months, gradually fading as the survivor recovers. Getting out of the abusive relationship is the first step towards recovery from the trauma. From there one can start regaining a sense of safety, power, and self-worth over time.

Once you are out of an abusive relationship, you have to re-establish your boundaries. This involves making your home a safe space. Home security modifications can help you reclaim your sense of safety in your house. The home security and safety modifications highlighted in this article can help set you on the path to recovery from domestic abuse. Today, Army Pink invites you to read on to learn more.

Feeling Safe in Your Own Home

The experience of living in an unsafe home environment can leave you with safety issues for years. Fear is a way of trying to process past trauma. Securing your home can empower you to work through the fear and reclaim your space. Safety can never be guaranteed but there are measurable steps you can take that can significantly improve your safety. When you take measures to secure your home, you are likely to feel safer.

Feeling Safe at Work

Workplace safety from domestic violence is important to consider as well; it is the fastest growing category of workplace violence. Because it is also a place where you spend significant time, taking steps to protect yourself from your abuser while at work is necessary. It’s important to contact your employer’s employee assistance program (EAP) and human resources department so that your employer can take steps to protect you while at work.

Security and Safety Modifications to Consider

The first step is to get out of the house and into an apartment or rental home that is unknown to your abuser. Then, you’ll need to put some security in place for your physical and mental wellbeing. Securing your home involves reinforcing the weak points in your home that would allow would-be intruders to gain entry. Here are some tips on how you can secure your home on any budget and reclaim your sense of safety.

● Shore up your doors: Enlist the help of a contractor to assess your doors and propose modifications to improve security. Check the strength of the door and the frame, position of the hinges, and type of lock. The exterior doors should be sturdy and strong. Avoid doors with glass especially near the handle. The door frames should also be as strong as the door and the hinges should be on the inside. You can add an extra lock to each door or switch to deadbolt more secure locks. Crossbar supports and chain locks also improve door security by making it harder for intruders to gain entry.
● Improve window security: Windows can open or break providing entry to intruders. Secure your windows by installing locks. You can also use a wooden dowel to stop the window from sliding open. Prune bushes around the windows that may provide cover to intruders. Install window security film to reduce the risk of breakage. You can also install glass break detectors or window sensors to alert you if your window is broken, jimmied, or forced open.
● Install a smart security system: A smart security system is one of the most effective security tools for your home. The options include a professionally monitored system, a self-service system, and an on-demand monitoring service. A smart security system connects to a wireless network to harness the power of several security devices including security cameras, motion sensors, video doorbells, and smart locks. The network can be Wi-Fi, Zigbee, Z-Wave, or a proprietary mesh network. Smart security systems are highly customizable to suit individual needs. They allow users to monitor and control security tools on their mobile devices.

● Have an exit plan: As mentioned earlier, safety at home cannot be guaranteed. You can do your best to reduce the chances of intrusion but a determined intruder may find a way past your security measures. A mistake on your part might also give an intruder the opportunity to get into your home. You need to have an exit strategy in case of such an emergency. It is as simple as having a plan to get out of your house if an intruder breaks in.

Your exit plan can be an emergency ladder from your upstairs window or a quick
route to the back door. Make sure you can get out as quickly and quietly as possible. Take Steps to Ensure Your Safety. Often, the unseen wounds from trauma last far longer than the visible ones. However, securing your home by making some simple security and safety modifications can help you reclaim your
sense of safety and help you recover from the trauma caused by domestic violence.

Photo via Pexels

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